Saturday, 19 February 2011

Colds, grrrrrrrrrrrr.....

I have had a stonking cold the last few days! That combined with some seemingly endless rain means I haven't managed to get outside to take some decent photo's of the finished Tri-shutter album. I think maybe its time to find the brightest corner in the house and make it into a proper mini photography studio.

Of course to do that I have to oust the cat from her spot, seeing as she's probably going to be sleeping in the brightest corner.

I don't know if I would win that tussle.

Hope you are all well my lovelies, and that you all enjoyed National Chocolate Adoration/Valentines Day.


  1. I don't think its really been reaining that much, just seemingly everytime i try to go outside with my camera.

  2. Hey
    Hope you are feeling better! Weather has been dull and boring!
    D x

  3. Hope you feel better soon! I've had the most irritating cough lately, making getting to sleep a real pain! Hope you get well soon, Hugs Caroline
